

Ph.D.   Depth Psychology, Pacifica Graduate Institute, Santa Barbara, CA. In Progress.

Ph.D.   English, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA. August 2013.

Emphasis in 19th-century American Literature. Thesis title: “Gothic Haunts”

M.A.    English, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA. December 2011.

  Emphasis in Narrative Theory and Literary Criticism.

Ph.D.   Religious Studies, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA. May 2009.

Emphasis in Modern Religious Thought. Thesis Title: “Vigilant Faith”

B.A.    Buena Vista University, Storm Lake, IA. May 1998.

Major in Philosophy/Religion and English.


Healthy Relationship Academy (2023 – present)

The Healthy Relationship Academy partners with businesses and organizations to create healthy workplace cultures by leveraging the power of good relationships.

Institute for Trauma Informed Relationships (2023 – present)

The Institute for Trauma Informed Relationships which provides certification in trauma informed relationships for therapists, coaches, and other helping professionals.

Alchemy of Love (2020 – present)

Alchemy of Love offers resources, support, and education on intimate relationships and the impact of trauma.

Iowa Family Mediation (2021 – 2022)

Iowa Family Mediation provides divorce and child custody mediation, as well as coparenting mediation and other types of family mediation services in Iowa.



Vigilant Faith: Passionate Agnosticism in a Secular World. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, September 2013.

 Edited Volumes:

The Just University: Paul Ricoeur and the Hope of Higher Education. Rowman and Littlefield, 2020.

Co-edited with an introduction and an essay, “Fallible Pedagogy”; other contributors include co-editor Jeff Keuss, Richard Rosengarten, Mark Wallace, Verna Ehret.

Teaching Religion and Literature. Routledge, October 2018.

Co-edited with an introduction and an essay, “Teaching Religion and Literature in the Secular Classroom”; other contributors include Richard Rosengarten, Wes Kort, Larry Bouchard, David Jasper, Kimberly Connor.

Hope and the Longing for Utopia: Futures and Illusions in Religion, Literature and the Arts. Eugene: Wipf and Stock Publishers, Sept. 2014.

[Edited with an introduction and an essay, “No-Places for Sacred Communities: Hope and the Failure of Fight Club”; other contributors include Diana Cates, Steven Schroeder, W. David Hall.]

Resisting the Place of Belonging: Uncanny Homecomings in Religion, Narrative and Art. Burlington: Ashgate Publishing Company, Jan. 2013.

[Edited with an introduction and an essay, “Dwelling Beyond Poetry: The Uncanny Houses of Hawthorne and Poe”; other contributors include Thomas J.J. Altizer, David Jasper, Christopher Merrill.

Edited Journals:

Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies, 2013.

Co-Executive Editor.

Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies, 2014. 

Executive Editor


Alchemy of Connection (2023)

Making Space for Yourself Project (MSY) (2019 – 2020)

This project provides a system of guided self-exploration that synthesize psychology, theology, and philosophy as a way to allow users to gain a healthier sense of self.

thesacredprofane (2018-2020)  

Season 1 “What is Justice”

Season 2 “What is Love”?

This series is a collaboration with two other theologians, investigating big questions in popular culture, law, society, and the arts. The three of us share responsibilities in co-ordinating topics, presenting information, and maintaining conversation.

Academic Articles and Chapters:

Myth, Religion, Imagination, and (Virtual) Realities. Religions 2024,15, no. 10: 1279.

Seeing Jung’s Shadow in a New Light: Decolonizing the Undisciplined Depths. Religions 2024, 15, no. 12: 1553.

Beyond Literal Idolatry I: Imagining Faith through Creatively Changing Identities. Religions 2022, 13, 810.

Beyond Literal Idolatry II: Expectations and Hope in the Field of Narrative Theology. Religions 2022, 13, 430.

Beyond Literal Idolatry III: Translating Theo-Logos from Judgment to Love. Religions 2022, 13, 471.

Beyond Idolatrous Whiteness—Part II: Beholding Beauty. Religious Studies Review, 47.1

Beyond Idolatrous Whiteness—Part I: Resisting Racism. Religious Studies Review, 46.2

The Essence of Whiteness. CHARGE, 4 (June 2020)

“Recovering God: Toward A Tillichian Theology of Addiction” in Why Tillich? Why Now?, ed. Thomas Bandy. Macon: Mercer Press, 2020.

Beyond Idolatrous Masculinity—Part III: Re-Presentations of the Human. Religious Studies Review, 46.1

Blade Runner 2049 and the Virtue Potential of Virtual Realities in CHARGE, 3 (Nov. 2019)

Beyond Idolatrous Masculinity—Part II: The Repetition of the Father.” Religious Studies Review, 45.3

Beyond Idolatrous Masculinity—Part 1: Repudiation of the Patriarch.” Religious Studies Review, 45.2: 179-188. (2019)  doi:10.1111/rsr.13963

“Agnosticism” in The Handbook of Radical Theology, ed. Christopher Rodkey and Jordan Miller. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.

The ‘Pierless’ Faith of Emily Dickinson. Modern Believing, 59.4 (October 2018).

Concerning Love in a Secular World. Recherches philosophiques, 1.1 (June 2015).

Introduction: The Reflexive Appropriation of Space. Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies, 2014.

Secularization and the Loss of Love in Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress. RELIGIONS. 13 December 2013.

“Dwelling Theologically” in Theological Reflection and the Integrity of Life: Theology, Human Flourishing and Freedom, ed. David Jasper and Dale Wright. Burlington: Ashgate Publishing Company, May 2013, pp. 95-112.

The Flip Side of Justice: The Two-Faced Spirit of The Dark Knight. Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies, March 2013.

Unwholly Matters: Dis-Integration as a Model for Identifying Systematic Evil. The Other Journal: An Intersection of Theology and Culture, Issue 20 (March 2012)

Žižek's Atheist Theology. International Journal of Žižek Studies, 4.4 (Dec. 2010).

“Possibilities of Redemption within Secular Texts” in The Oxford Handbook of English Literature and Theology, ed. Andrew Hass, David Jasper, Elizabeth Jay. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007, pp. 760-775.

“Barabbas” and “The Hiddenness of God” in The Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception.

Academic Service and Professional Leadership

Associate Editor, Oxford Journal of Literature and Theology (2013-present)

Convener, Theological Humanism section of the International Society for Religion, Literature

and Culture (2010-2020)

Member, AAR Publishing Task Force (2016-2018)

Co-Chair, Religion and Humanism section of the American Academy of Religion (2020)

Steering Committee, Religion and Humanism section of the American Academy of Religion


Editorial Board, “Intersections: Theology and the Church in a World Come of Age” series with

Noesis Press/The Davies Group (2015-2018)

Managing Editor, Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies (2011-2013)

Reviewer, CHOICE Reviews, Journal of Religion and Critical Theory (2014-2021)

Religion, Literature and the Arts Conference at the University of Iowa (2008-2013).

As Organizer:

2012: Futures and Illusions: Hope and the Longing for Utopia, featuring Thomas A. Carlson and Marilynne Robinson.

2011: Uncanny Homecomings: Narrative Structures, Existential Questions, Theological Visions, featuring Christopher Merrill and David Jasper.

As Co-Organizer (with David Klemm):

2010: Challenging Evil: Malicious Intentions and Wicked Deeds with Susan Neiman, Hans Breder, David Jasper, William Schweiker.

2009: Reading the Book of Nature, with Michael Zimmerman and David Jasper.

2008: Theology and Critique, with Thomas J.J. Altizer and David Jasper.

Selected Conference Presentations

“The Soul of Nature.” National Meeting of the American Academy of Religion. San Diego, CA. November, 2024

“Transforming Masculinity.” International Society for Religion, Literature, and Culture. Chester, UK. September, 2022.

“Fallible Pedagogy.” National Meeting of the American Academy of Religion. San Diego, CA. November, 2019.

“The Addict God.” National Meeting of the American Academy of Religion. Denver, Co. November 2018.

Wieland; or, the Transformation of God: Narrative Theology and Post-Secular Faith in Early American Literature.” Modern Language Association. New York, NY. January, 2018

“Radical Theology/Radical Politics: Re-thinking Relations to the Most Vulnerable” National Meeting of the American Academy of Religion. Boston, MA. November 2017

“Black Narratives: Double Consciousness and Empathy in African American Literature.” National Meeting of the American Academy of Religion. Boston, MA. November 2017

"Wonder and Awe: Theopoetics and the Formation of Agnostic Communities.” National Meeting of the American Academy of Religion. San Antonio, TX. November 2016

“Loving Thy Neighbor: The Fragile Perspective of Proximity” International Society for Religion, Literature and Culture. Glasgow, UK. September 2016.

“The Narrative Potentiality of God” International Society for Religion, Literature and Culture. Leuven, BE. September, 2014.

“The Blackness of Space Illuminable: Art and the Depth of the Inhuman.” National Meeting ofthe American Academy of Religion. Baltimore, MD. November, 2013.

“Awed Beyond Prayer: Adoration and the Promise of Atheist Religious Experience.” National Meeting of the American Academy of Religion. Baltimore, MD. November, 2013.

“Sacrifice and Terror in Early America: Wieland and the Death of God.” 9th Annual Religion, Literature and the Arts Conference. Iowa City, IA. September, 2013.

“Owed to a Dead Cat.” Jakobsen Forum. University of Iowa. Iowa City, IA. March, 2013

“Occupation as Opposition: Bartleby and the Spatialization of Power.” Modern Language Association. Boston, MA. January, 2013. Arranged by the Melville Society.

“Narrative Theology Beyond the Bible.” National Meeting of the American Academy of Religion. Chicago, IL. November, 2012.

“Teaching Theology through Poetry: Dickinson, Tillich and Absolute Faith.” National Meeting of the American Academy of Religion. Chicago, IL. November, 2012.

“The Unconscious Foundations of Atheistic Communities.” International Society for Religion, Literature and Culture. Copenhagen, DE. October 2012.

“The Work of Utopia as a Hope for Atheist Communities.” 8th Annual Religion, Literature and the Arts Conference at the University of Iowa. Iowa City, IA. August, 2012.

“The Awed Worship of Emily Dickinson.” Midwest American Academy of Religion Meeting. Rock Island, IL. March, 2012.

“Foundations of the Atheistic Sacred” National Meeting of theAmerican Academy of Religion. San Francisco, CA. November, 2011.

“Dwelling Beyond Poetry: The Uncanny Houses of Hawthorne and Poe.” 7th Annual Religion, Literature and the Arts Conference. Iowa City, IA. August, 2011.

 “Dwelling Theologically.” Theological Reflection and the Pursuit of Ideals. University of Chicago. Chicago, IL. April, 2011

“Moving Beyond the Symbolic: The Material Potential of Post-Heideggerean Theology.” National American Academy of Religion Meeting. Atlanta, GA. October, 2010.

 “Crises of Despair in the 21st Century: Evil and Theological Humanism.” International Society of Religion, Literature and Culture. Oxford University. Oxford, UK. Sept, 2010.

Academic Positions

Part-time Faculty, Religion, Augustana College (2017-2018)

Instructor, Philosophy, Blackhawk Community College (2017-2018)

Visiting Assistant Professor, Rhetoric, University of Iowa (2016)

Lecturer, English, Cornell College (2016)

Director and Instructor, Center for Humanist Inquiries (2015-2019)

Visiting Assistant Professor, English, University of Iowa (2014-2015)

Instructor, Religion, Mount Mercy University (2013)

Frederick F. Seely Teaching Fellow, English, University of Iowa (2012-2013)

Instructor, English, University of Iowa (2005-2008 and 2009-2012)

Teaching Assistant (2003-2005 and 2008-2009), Religious Studies, University of Iowa

Instructor, Philosophy, Hamilton College (2001)

NonProfit Organizational Leadership:

Co-Founder and Executive Director, The Sesame Project (2019-2021)

This nonprofit was designed to empower individuals and organizations to contribute to their communities by creating access to space, education, resources, and collaborators. Its development was delayed due to COVID-19.

Co-Founder and Executive Director, Center For Humanist Inquiries (CHI) (2015-2017)

This nonprofit provided a series of courses in philosophy, theology, and literature for adult learners, delievered live and online. After discontinuing its official non-profit status, it continued to serve as a vehicle to translate academic ideas to a general public audience.

Fellowships and Awards

Sandra Barkan Outstanding Graduate Student Mentor Award, University of Iowa, Spring 2013.

Frederick F. Seely Dissertation and Teaching Fellowship, University of Iowa, Fall 2012-Spring 2013.

John C. Gerber Award for excellence in teaching General Education Literature, 2012.

Mellon Fellowship.  Mellon Dissertation Seminar, “Story in Theory,” with Garrett Stewart. Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.  Summer 2011 and Summer 2012.

Marion McFarland Taylor Award for Best Research Paper in the Area of Religion, Ecology, and Sustainability for the paper “Enframing American Landscapes and the Enplotment of Human Dominion.” Midwest AAR, Augustana College. March 2011.

Fellowship for Graduate College Strategic Initiative Funds. May 2011.

University of Iowa Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award. March 2010.

Alice Marguerite Blough Writing Award for paper entitled “Moving Through Hell: Consciousness, Emotion and Despair.” Department of Religious Studies, University of Iowa. May 2005.

Graduate College Fellowship, University of Iowa, 2002-2003.

Courses Taught


Lecturer, English Department. Cornell College. 2016.

            American Renaissance: Creating Faith in a Secularized Society 

            Making Meaning in Suffering: Religion and 19th-century African American Literature

 Visiting Assistant Professor, English Department. University of Iowa. 2014-2015.

Religion, Secularism, and Literary Uncertainty

Secularism and the Tragedy of Efficiency

Instructor, English Department. University of Iowa: Spring 2013.

American Literature and Culture: 19th Century Novels: Gothic Haunts

 Program Associate, General Education Literature. University of Iowa. Fall 2010-Spring 2012.

Responsible for training new graduate students in the program, designing the summer training for incoming teachers, mentoring them throughout their first semester of teaching, observing and critiquing their teaching, and lecturing on pedagogical issues.

 Instructor, General Education Literature. University of Iowa. 2005-2008, 2009-2012.

Elective Courses Taught:

Existentialism as Literature

Humor—No Laughing Matter

The Problem of Evil

Existential Detective Fictions

Featured Interpretation of Literature Courses Taught:

Love I: Differentiating Deception and Desire

Love II: The Gap between Bodies and Language

Love III: Fear, Desire, and Vulnerability

American Lit I: Madness, Insanity and Despair

American Lit II: Uncanny Dwellings

American Lit III: Death of God in America


Religion and Philosophy:

Part-time Faculty, Religion, Augustana College. 2017-2018

        Christian Theology: The Essence of Faith

Part-time Faculty, Philosophy, Black Hawk College. 2017-2018.

Introduction to Ethics

Instructor, Religion, Mount Mercy University. 2013

Introduction to Christianity (ADVANCE program)

Teaching Assistant, Department of Religious Studies. University of Iowa. 2003-2005, 2009

Quest for Human Destiny

Judeo-Christian Traditions

Religion and Society

Instructor, Department of Religious Studies. University of Iowa. 2008

Theological Questions: What is the Value of Faith?

Rhetoric: Visiting Assistant Professor

Rhetoric I: The Importance of Wonder


Accounting Writing Grader. J. R. Frank Business Communication Center. University of Iowa. 2018.

Writing Fellow. J. R. Frank Business Communication Center. University of Iowa. 2008-2010.

Writing Center Tutoring. University of Iowa Writing Center. University of Iowa. 2003-2005.


Instructor. Hamilton College. Cedar Rapids, IA. 2001.

Critical Thinking

Director of Forensics and Debate Coach. Iowa City Community School District. 1998-2009.

Lincoln-Douglass and Policy style argument and speaking coach

Instructor. Kaplan Test Prep. Iowa City, IA. 1998-2004, 2015-2019.


Center for Humanist Inquiries (CHI):

CHI is a non-profit organization that I founded to enable students of all ages to ask better, bigger and deeper kinds of questions about the human experience. In this capacity, I have not only provided lectures in conjunction with other non-profits in the community, but have also taught the following lecture courses both live and online:

The Pursuit of Wonder

            I: Philosophical Invitations

            II: Personal Intimations

            III: Philosophical Implications

Masters of Suspicion (identifying and confronting power systems):

I: Heidegger and World

II: Kafka

III: American Gothic

IV: Walden: Power and the Pond

Unlearning Our Loneliness (presenting obstacles to loving others ethically)

I: The Greek conception of Love

II: Narrative Desire

III: Love Poems

Existential Detective Fiction (investigating how humans find meaning):

I: Fate and Freedom in the Modern World

II: Small Crimes

III: The Fall and The Erasers

Beyond Belief (examining postmodern theology):

I: Ricoeur’s “Religion, Atheism, Faith”

II: Emily Dickinson’s Theology

 Community Lectures, Discussions, and Workshops:

“Practical Magic Workshop,” Witching Hour Festival, October 2019

“Making Space for Yourself Workshop,” Witching Hour Festival, October 2018

“American Newspeak Workshop,” 1984 in 2017 Symposium. April, 2017

“The Wonder of Thinking at All,” William Penn College, March 2017

Discussion over “Three Years of Silence,” Witching Hour Festival, Nov. 2017

“Crime and Punishment at 150,” Iowa City Book Festival, Oct. 2016

“How to Wonder about Social Justice,” The 30 Iowa City, Sept. 2016

Mission Iowa City School Board Candidate Forum, July 2016

“Find Your Voice: Tools & Techniques for Telling Stories,” Iowa Writer’s House, 2016


The Green Room project (with Dave Gould, University of Iowa), 2017

The Power of Story (with the Iowa Writer’s House and Energeia), 2017